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Collecting thousands of ultrathin sections

for 3D Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)

with our groundbreaking Magnetic Collection technology

Large CLEM experiments on a single substrate

The video shows 200 consecutive ultrathin sections (50 nm thick)
collected with MagC, immunostained, and imaged with

standard widefield fluorescence Light Microscopy
followed by Scanning Electron Microscopy.

Browse the CLEM wafer yourself:

(powered by neuroglancer and neurodataviz)

Press "?" in the top left corner for navigation help


Volumetric CLEM made easy

  • Decouple image acquisition from tissue sectioning

  • No handling of an intermediate tape


  • 500 consecutive sections

  • 50 nm thick

  • 3-channel Light Microscopy

  • 10 nm pixel size Electron Microscopy

Your entire 3D experiment on a wafer

  • Easy Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)

  • Flexible automated workflows in scanning microscopes

    • Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM)

    • Fluorescent Light Microscopes (LM, upright or inverted widefield)

    • Super-resolution Light Microscopy (STED, PALM, STORM)

    • nanoSIMS

    • Cathodoluminescence (CL)​

  • Easy to share / Easy to ship

  • Store your sections for years

  • Coordinates of sections automatically determined by us
    or with our online SectionFinder app (location and angle)


Acquire your 3D EM data easily with

the MagC module in the
lightweight and powerful                               software

  • Fully automated acquisition of whole wafers

  • Define custom imaging workflows

    • custom ROIs for all sections

    • low resolution overviews

    • easily acquire one every n   section or any custom range

  • Interactive navigation through thousands of sections inside your electron microscope

  • Image or re-image any section anytime


Beta version released

October 2019

  • Get it here and try it out in simulation mode

  • The MagC module has seamlessly run for more than 24 hours to acquire mosaics in 433 consecutive Drosophila brain sections yielding a 3D EM dataset of 150 μm x 120 μm x 30 μm


Ideal for Multibeam Electron Microscopy

  • Load simultaneously thousands of sections

  • High conductivity of the silicon wafer substrate allows high probe currents without charging

  • No conductive coating needed

Section collected with MagC and imaged with a Zeiss MultiSEM 91-beam

Scanning Electron Microscope

Whole Drosophila brain on a single wafer

  • 2500 consecutive sections

  • 120 nm section thickness

  • 1 single 100 mm ⌀ wafer



Easily combine the best of LM and EM

  • Multicolor LM 

  • High-resolution scanning EM



Proof of Concept Fellowship

Innosuisse - Swiss National Foundation

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